I'm exhausted but still have more cleaning to do before I head to bed, so I'm going to try and make this short and sweet.
Week 6 didn't go very well. I'd hoped to do 2 out of my 4 resolutions...
Week 6 didn't go very well. I'd hoped to do 2 out of my 4 resolutions...
- Put things away (not on my bed, not on my furniture).
I spent a crazy amount of time cleaning and sorting this week. Everything was in chaos and I could barely walk around my room, but tons of stuff was given away and overall I feel better about the AMOUNT of stuff I own. - Spend less time watching TV and on the computer. I can watch TV if I'm doing an exercise video, or working out while watching TV. Computer time will be for work/blogging purposes only, + 1 hour of non-work/blogging time.
Yeah... I didn't really stick with the specific rules, but I definitely spent less time on the computer or watching TV, because I was cleaning so much! I also spent time helping my brothers with their homework. - Get in at least two 3+ mile runs.
Uh... nope. - Only have 1 cheat day this week.
Since my week was only Sunday-Friday this week, this was an easier one. My cheat day was Thursday. I ate a ridiculous amount of chocolatey baked goods during lunch time, and then drank wine at Bunco. My body still hates me and I feel really sluggish. I'm hoping in the future, I'll remember how physically awful I felt and I won't overindulge on my cheat day.
- Get in one long run.
- Don't overdo the cheat day.
- Clean, clean, clean.