I've been pretty excited about running the Run Like Hell 10k for awhile--I'd heard it was a fun race, but unfortunately, this week I've been dealing with knee/foot issues, and wasn't really sure how it would go. And I decided on my costume the day before (forest fairy? a lot of Pinterest and Google image searching went into it haha). I bought yards and yards of fabric at Walmart the night before and spent awhile cutting strips of netting and fabric (thank goodness for rotary cutters and self-healing mats. If you're going to DIY a tutu, invest the $20 in these tools. You'll be glad you did).
In the morning I threw on some glittery makeup (as much as I thought would stay on).
Here's how the race went: Cold. Fairly fast (except for the train, which we all knew would happen). And fun. And then really cold.
The race started a bit late due to train issues, but not much. It was COLD and foggy outside. Once we started, I loved the cool temp--it was perfect. And I felt pretty good even though I didn't fuel my body very well the day before (um crab and artichoke dip and pumpkin beer are not the best pre-race dinner, although they are DELICIOUS).
We did have to stop for the train for maybe 5-10 minutes, but SERIOUSLY, it says that there will be a train crossing on the race info page! And that the times will be adjusted accordingly! CHILL OUT, or don't run the race! The guy next to me was whining the ENTIRE TIME about how he had a really good groove going and how this totally was going to throw him off, blah blah blah. And later I heard that some half marathon runners were yelling at a volunteer because they had to stop for the train. WTF?! Stopping for a train during a race is a bummer. I get it. But that's running. That's life. A person can make up all the excuses in the world about how this or that threw them off, OR they can decide that they'll take on the challenge and come out on top.
I pinned this awhile ago and I think it pretty much sums it up:
Here's how the race went: Cold. Fairly fast (except for the train, which we all knew would happen). And fun. And then really cold.
The race started a bit late due to train issues, but not much. It was COLD and foggy outside. Once we started, I loved the cool temp--it was perfect. And I felt pretty good even though I didn't fuel my body very well the day before (um crab and artichoke dip and pumpkin beer are not the best pre-race dinner, although they are DELICIOUS).
We did have to stop for the train for maybe 5-10 minutes, but SERIOUSLY, it says that there will be a train crossing on the race info page! And that the times will be adjusted accordingly! CHILL OUT, or don't run the race! The guy next to me was whining the ENTIRE TIME about how he had a really good groove going and how this totally was going to throw him off, blah blah blah. And later I heard that some half marathon runners were yelling at a volunteer because they had to stop for the train. WTF?! Stopping for a train during a race is a bummer. I get it. But that's running. That's life. A person can make up all the excuses in the world about how this or that threw them off, OR they can decide that they'll take on the challenge and come out on top.
I pinned this awhile ago and I think it pretty much sums it up:
I finished a little slower than my 10k PR but I'm still waiting on my "official" adjusted time to see exactly how much longer.
The post-race area (Pioneer Square) was fun. There was food (vegan chili, bread, bananas, and candy), live music, and lots of tables for hanging out. Each participant could get two free beers from Lagunitas... I only drank 1 1/2 of mine before I was too cold to keep standing out there, and we all headed back to the car.
Overall, I'd say it's a fun race and I'd consider doing it again. It'd be nice if they changed the course to avoid the train, but if they didn't, I just wouldn't count on it being a PR course.
Did you race this weekend?
The post-race area (Pioneer Square) was fun. There was food (vegan chili, bread, bananas, and candy), live music, and lots of tables for hanging out. Each participant could get two free beers from Lagunitas... I only drank 1 1/2 of mine before I was too cold to keep standing out there, and we all headed back to the car.
Overall, I'd say it's a fun race and I'd consider doing it again. It'd be nice if they changed the course to avoid the train, but if they didn't, I just wouldn't count on it being a PR course.
Did you race this weekend?