My resolution for 2010 was to work on one resolution a week to make it all a bit more manageable. For week 1 (Jan 1-8), my resolution was to work out every day! So far, I'm right on track:
- Jan 1st: First Run 5K
- Jan 2nd: 3 sessions of 10 min Exercise TV workouts
- Jan 3rd: 1.5 mi run
- Jan 4th: 10 min treadmill warmup, 1 round full body weights, 15 min stairstepper
- Jan 5th: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Level 1
- Jan 7th: 5.5 mi run
- Jan 8th: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Level 2
So of all of my workouts this week, the most notable was the Jan 7th workout. I decided to run home from work, since my workout buddy/coworker was out that day, and it's only 5.5 miles from work to home. After work, as I'm getting dressed, I notice that my running shoes are missing. I had all of my other running gear (rainproof jacket, running capris, socks, Blister Block, energy chews, etc). but no shoes except the Nike ballet flats that I'd worn to work. I panic for a moment, trying to decide whether I bum a ride or run in my ballet flats.
Well, I'd already committed to doing 5.5 miles, was going to Taco Thursday later, and needed to train for an upcoming 10K where my brother is going to try and beat my time. And I had just read an article in a running magazine about a runner who had forgotten his shoes and ran in dress shoes... for a MARATHON! So I threw on the clothes and the socks, slathered on the Blister Block, and strode out the door, hoping no one from work would see me in my ridiculous attire.
I'm jogging down the street, trying to get used to the feeling of running in my ballet flats. It's a little bit uncomfortable, and I'm still trying to get over the embarrassment of running in ballet flats and socks. really relieved that while there are tons of cars passing by, the passengers don't seem to be paying me much attention, and there aren't any pedestrians. Until about mile 1. Then there is a jogger with dog coming my direction. I pray fervently that my eyes are mistaken and that the jogger is going the opposite direction, but he and the dog come continue to get closer and closer. I pray that the jogger won't pay me any attention, especially not my ridiculous looking feet.
As we continue jogging towards each other, I realize that he's really, really cute, and I mentally smack myself upside the head for forgetting my running shoes, and for looking so absurd. We smile politely as we pass and I think to myself, I need to keep running this route. But not in ballet flats.
The rest of the run was fairly uneventful. I continued the rest of my run home, and ignored the curious glances of the people waiting at the bus stop. I noticed that a local bank displays the temperature as 40 degrees, and I desperately wished I'd brought my running gloves. Eventually, I made it home and thought to myself, I need to double check my gym bag next time.
My Week 2 Resolution is "Work out every day + three 5mi runs." Week 1 went well and was a good way to ease back into the routine of working out. Now I need to focus on adding some distance to my workout. Gotta get ready for that half!
How are you gals doing with your New Year's resolutions?
Well, I'd already committed to doing 5.5 miles, was going to Taco Thursday later, and needed to train for an upcoming 10K where my brother is going to try and beat my time. And I had just read an article in a running magazine about a runner who had forgotten his shoes and ran in dress shoes... for a MARATHON! So I threw on the clothes and the socks, slathered on the Blister Block, and strode out the door, hoping no one from work would see me in my ridiculous attire.
I'm jogging down the street, trying to get used to the feeling of running in my ballet flats. It's a little bit uncomfortable, and I'm still trying to get over the embarrassment of running in ballet flats and socks. really relieved that while there are tons of cars passing by, the passengers don't seem to be paying me much attention, and there aren't any pedestrians. Until about mile 1. Then there is a jogger with dog coming my direction. I pray fervently that my eyes are mistaken and that the jogger is going the opposite direction, but he and the dog come continue to get closer and closer. I pray that the jogger won't pay me any attention, especially not my ridiculous looking feet.
As we continue jogging towards each other, I realize that he's really, really cute, and I mentally smack myself upside the head for forgetting my running shoes, and for looking so absurd. We smile politely as we pass and I think to myself, I need to keep running this route. But not in ballet flats.
The rest of the run was fairly uneventful. I continued the rest of my run home, and ignored the curious glances of the people waiting at the bus stop. I noticed that a local bank displays the temperature as 40 degrees, and I desperately wished I'd brought my running gloves. Eventually, I made it home and thought to myself, I need to double check my gym bag next time.
My Week 2 Resolution is "Work out every day + three 5mi runs." Week 1 went well and was a good way to ease back into the routine of working out. Now I need to focus on adding some distance to my workout. Gotta get ready for that half!
How are you gals doing with your New Year's resolutions?