It's back, for it's 12th year! It is THE Cinco de Mayo run--there's only ONE. It's not just a themed run, it's a HUGE PARTY in downtown Portland. While I'm really excited about how much FUN it's going to be, I'm also incredibly proud to be participating in an event that benefits Breast Friends, a resource that supports women with cancer, because this week an amazing woman passed away after cancer spread aggressively throughout her body. She was a beautiful person who embodied kindness, and strength, and goodness--she was so good at making people feel welcome. This Sunday, I'll run in celebration of her life, and for all of the other women fighting cancer.
Cinco de Mayo 5k & 10k
Date: Sunday May 2nd, 2015
Events, times, prices:
10k, 8:20am, $64
5k, 9:00am, $54
Kids 1/2mi, 8:00am, $12
Location: Pioneer Courthouse Square; Downtown Portland, OR
Number of runners: ~1800 in 2014
Beneficiary: Breast Friends
Swag: Tech t-shirt, two Lagunitas beers, food
Course: Flat and fast course through the streets of downtown Portland. Click here for the course map. Although trains/traffic aren't mentioned on the race website, be aware the races in downtown Portland
Past recaps: 2014
Other notes: Lines can be long, and the event is entirely outdoors, so be prepared for the weather :)
Events, times, prices:
10k, 8:20am, $64
5k, 9:00am, $54
Kids 1/2mi, 8:00am, $12
Location: Pioneer Courthouse Square; Downtown Portland, OR
Number of runners: ~1800 in 2014
Beneficiary: Breast Friends
Swag: Tech t-shirt, two Lagunitas beers, food
Course: Flat and fast course through the streets of downtown Portland. Click here for the course map. Although trains/traffic aren't mentioned on the race website, be aware the races in downtown Portland
Past recaps: 2014
Other notes: Lines can be long, and the event is entirely outdoors, so be prepared for the weather :)